- Maplewood Richmond Heights School District
- Class Connections
Class Connections
MRH School District has a strong, committed group of alumni who are active in keeping their old school day memories and friendships alive. MRH gladly serves as a resource for alumni in search of old classmates or hoping to publicize class reunions. Messages and inquiries may be sent to the Communications Office at 2531 S. Big Bend Boulevard, Maplewood, MO 63143 or (314) 644-4400.
Class of 1950: contact Joey Inman at (314) 821-4360.
Class of 1951: contact (636) 227-6341 or Al Schif at 314-378-9510.
Class of 1953: contact John Myre at sfttimes@swbell.net or 636-532-3914. We also have a website with reunion pictures, a list of classmates, and some pictures of the high school through the years.
Class of 1955: Joan (Cavanaugh) Kemp, 720 Country Stone Court, Manchester, MO. 63021 joanakemp@hotmail.com (314) 440-9568
Class of 1959: contact Pat Koelling-Jovanovic or Carol Kays-Hinder. .
Class of 1961: Contact Donna Bell Broome. Pre-reunion event photos from Oct, 2010
Class of 1963: We have a newsletter that we send out monthly. Please contact Dan Paulsmeyer to add your name to our e-mail list. contact Tom Kopp at 314-647-5532 for more information.
Class of 1964: Visit the class website for news and information.
Class of 1965: Contact Margaret Schneider Guller at (636) 271-4925 or mjguller@msn.com . You may also contact MRHClassof65@gmail.com, call (314) 540-4311 (Bill) or (504) 451-2237 (Kay).
Class of 1966: Pam Wilson Collins, pamcollins001@gmail.com 573-471-1092, #9 Bel Air Drive, Sikeston, MO 63801
Class of 1967: Laurie Moore Skinner at laurieskinner1@yahoo.com or (314) 255-1845.
Class of 1968: William Paul Grundler, 321-292-9768. Dale Ann (Kretchmar) Humphries dale_annie_2000@yahoo.com 573-587-2424 John Carter 803-467-6858, Eric Jenkins 786-239-7699
Class of 1970: Diana Haass 816-830-1314 diana5haass@gmail.com
Class of 1971: Visit their reunion webpage for more details.
Class of 1972: Thomas Helm Norton, 314-341-5813 norton-thomas@att.net
Class of 1973: Contact John Jay Hardy at jhardy@jaybsmith.com. Mike Montalbano, mike_mo54@hotmail.com 119 Farnen, Montgomery City, MO. 63361 636-584-5531
Class of 1975: Cindy Schorr Blankenship, Maplewood, MO 314-740-2759
Class of 1976: Please contact Carmen Pace-McFerren at carmenmcferren@gmail.com or watch for the MRH Class of 1976 Facebook page.
Class of 1977: For more information, email mrhclassof77@gmail.com.
Class of 1978: Please contact Cheryl Schorr at cheryl.schorr@mercy.net (314-956-9974).
Class of 1979: Contact Reggie Smith agtsmooth@aol.com 314-288-4876 or Kathleen McCartney Palmer p_kathleen2003@yahoo.com. Reggie Smith, Chris Baker or Monique Williams at mrhclass79@gmail.com
Class of 1980: Steve Gray Stevegray1@charter.net, Beth Welch Schleipman mrajmja@yahoo.com, or Carol Ahern West gammywest1@yahoo.com.
Class of 1981: Visit the reunion website or contact Miki McKee Koelsch (314-422-7894) or Debbie Gruswitz McEnery (636-227-4445).
Class of 1981: Miki at 314-422-7894 or peanut1006@sbcglobal.net; Todd Morris, morris-todd@sbcglobal.net
314-283-3034; 7542 Woodland Avenue, Maplewood, MO 63143
Class of 1982: Class contact: gensis79@aol.com
Class of 1985: Christopher Bennett, 630-869-0896 Christopher@CDBennettInsurance.com
Class of 1983: Contact Johnny Schorr at jrsvb@aol.com for more information.
Class of 1991: Please contact Melissa Harris at mtzplus4@yahoo.com Tiffany Maxie Allen, PO Box 1903, Orlando, FL 32802 (352) 455-3650 tiffanymaxie7@gmail.com
Class of 1994: Contact Marie (Konersmann) Long at reeree76@yahoo.com or (314) 724-4370.
Class of 1998: Please contact Laurie Beeko (phone 314-261-3042) to form a reunion committee or if you know of one that is already formed.
Class of 2001: Contact Christy Jehne Grider christy_griner@yahoo.com (phone 314-915-7344). 6206 Twin Springs Blvd, Cedar Hill MO 63016
Class of 2003: Contact Rachel Ward at (314) 276-5943.
Class of 2004: Please contact Crystle (Dee) Piercefield to form a reunion committee or if you know of one that is already formed.
Class of 2005: Contact Ellen Bishop at bishop.ellen@gmail.com for more details.
Class of 2010: Charlie Daily, charliedaily06@gmail.com 7051 Middlevalley Walk C, Saint Louis, MO 63123
phone (314) 319-3007