- Maplewood Richmond Heights School District
- Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning
On June 15, 2023, the MRH Board of Education gave final approval to the District's 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, "Honoring Our History, Shaping Our Future." This living, evolving document is the result of nearly a year of intensely focused work by a Steering Committee comprising stakeholders from every sector of the MRH community.
Strategic Plan Video
MRH Strategic Plan, 2023-2028
Strategic Plan (Text Version for Translation)
Maplewood Richmond Heights School District Strategic Plan, 2023-2028
Honoring Our Past, Shaping Our Future: Letter from the Board of Education, June 15, 2023
Dear Maplewood Richmond Heights School District Community,
We are pleased to share our newly adopted Maplewood Richmond Heights (MRH) School District Strategic Plan, which focuses the next five years of work on our students, our employees, our resources, our community and our collective health. This Strategic Plan will continue to build on MRH’s innovative spirit, distinctive culture and unique building-level metaphors to better prepare students to thrive in a diverse and changing world.
Our central responsibility as board members is to set the direction of the District, and we have pledged to do so with input and guidance from the community we serve. Ultimately, our charge is to steward the resources entrusted to us by our community to meet the needs of all students. This Strategic Plan articulates the values and vision – developed in collaboration with students, teachers, families, and community leaders – that we will apply to helping students achieve academic and social-emotional success.
We recognize that our District’s success relies on participation from all stakeholders. We are committed to partnering with our community to nurture students’ personal growth and achievement. With your support, we will ensure that students are genuinely engaged and motivated to learn, and that our District continues to develop them as leaders, scholars, stewards, and citizens.
At the center of our work is an intentional focus on equity, which is integrated into all aspects of the plan. Our goal is to ensure that every student has access to an outstanding education through their experiences at MRH, regardless of their background or circumstances. This work is ongoing and requires continuous improvement.
We invite you to join us in implementing this plan which so many of you helped create. While honoring our distinctive legacy and traditions, we will shape a new future for MRH. We will foster belonging, inspiration, integrity, courage and success for all students. Together, we will build an equitable, inclusive District for every learner.
Thank you for your shared commitment to our students. Sincerely,
Letter from the Superintendent
Dear Maplewood Richmond Heights Community,
It is my honor to share our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, detailing our actionable plan for success for every student, regardless of background, in the Maplewood Richmond Heights School District. This plan is the roadmap to ensure students receive the personalization necessary to nurture their broad range of talents and abilities through a high- quality teaching and learning staff who has been equipped to facilitate a rigorous and bold curriculum.
As your Superintendent, I recognize that our success depends on the collaboration and support of our entire community. This plan is a reflection of the dedication, energy, and insights of students, staff, parents, board and community members. This plan represents the vision and mission of
our District to inspire and prepare students as leaders, scholars, stewards, and citizens for a diverse and changing world. Students are at the heart of everything we do. These uniquely gifted and talented students who represent every area of the Maplewood Richmond Heights community, are depending on us to work together as a “Community of Care” to design experiences internally and externally to prepare them to thrive in a constantly evolving world.
Thank you for your support and engagement as we launch this audacious Strategic Plan confident in our community and families, proud of our schools’ commitment to equity and social justice and excited for our students’ achievement over the next five years and beyond.
With Blue Devil Pride,
Dr. Bonita E. Jamison, Superintendent Maplewood Richmond Heights School District
Overview of the Process
Over a period of eight months, we established and met monthly with a Steering Committee made up of students, families, District staff, and community members to develop the strategic plan. To develop the plan, we completed a needs assessment by analyzing student achievement data, qualitative and quantitative District data, and gathered input from a broad array of stakeholders through several strategic planning surveys, a series of focus groups, and numerous school board work sessions. We are very grateful for the time and input that so many people brought to this process which has resulted in a plan that will benefit the students, families, and staff members of the Maplewood Richmond Heights School District and contribute to the growth and success of our community in the future.
Strategic Plan Steering Committee Members
Dr. Shonda Ambers-Phillips, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Terrence Askew, Student
Brett Bowen, Student
Abraham Blue, Student
Kacy Day, Teacher
Jennifer Drake, Parent
Carlisha Elam, Principal
Dizzy Funke, Student
Kim Gifford, Parent
Merlene Gilb, SLU
Ben Gleason, SSD
Dr. Kevin Grawer, Principal
Scott Greife-Wetenhall, Teacher
Michael Guthrie, Teacher
Amy Hamilton, Government
Dana Isom, Staff
Dr. Bonita Jamison, Superintendent
Tonya Jonas, Staff
Dan Lyons, Teacher
Dr. Chris McGee, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Shevaun McNaughton, PTO President
Kat Norton, Board Secretary
Chris Rayburn, Business Leader
Nora Revie, Parent
Latishia Robinson, Parent
Gretchen Schiltz Brenner, PTO President
Kim Shirar, Faith-Based Community Association
Layne Thompson, Teacher
Irene White, Parent
Sarah Walker, PTO President
2022: September
Review of the strategic planning
2023: October
Strategic planning work group members are identified; review of the strategic planning process shared with work group members
2023: November
Reviewed core values, vision, and mission; eveloped descriptors for the core values
2023: December
Board provided feedback on the revised core values, vision, and mission
2023: January
Identified priority areas of focus; process shared with board members; core values, vision, and mission drafted by the board
2023: February
Developed goals for priority areas
2023: March
Board update on progress to date; conducted 10 focus groups to gather feedback from students, support staff, teachers, administrators, families, and community members; feedback reviewed with District leadership; developed strategies and outcome measures for each goal
2023: April
Conducted 9 additional focus groups; feedback shared with District leadership
2023: May
Draft of the MRH strategic plan completed
2023: June
Board review and approval
History of the Maplewood Richmond Heights School District
The Maplewood Richmond Heights School District, tracing its beginnings to 1840, is the oldest District in St. Louis County. Here are just some of the notable moments in the District’s history:
Timeline of MRH Historical Events
1840 The first school opened on Manchester Road near McCausland.
1909 The Maplewood School District became one of the first districts in St. Louis County to offer a high school program.
1951 The name of the District was changed from the School District of Maplewood to the School District of Maplewood Richmond Heights.1996 The District was classified as ‘financially stressed’ by the State of Missouri when the District budget was exceeded by over a million dollars.
1999 MRH had its first review by the Missouri School Improvement Program, receiving full accreditation by state standards. The District reported steady financial operations with a healthy reserve balance.
2001 The District passed a $12 million bond issue to fund building construction.
2004 MRH School District received the “Distinction in Performance” award from Missouri Commissioner of Education Dr. D. Kent King for receiving a perfect score of 100 points on the Annual Performance Report.
2007 MRH opens the doors of Joe’s Place, a non-profit that supports homeless teen boys as they struggle to make it through school.
2009 A new preschool wing opens at MRH Early Childhood Center. The innovative space is created using the Reggio Emilia philosophy.
2012 MRH is one of four Missouri schools nominated as a “Green Ribbon School” by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
2013-2014 MRH High School is one of nine schools across the United States honored as a “2014 Breakthrough School” by the National Association of Secondary School Principals.
2015 The District passed a $6.1 million bond issue to fund the construction of additional classrooms (including a new and larger preschool) to meet the needs of the growing student population.
2016 Voters approved Proposition Y, a $.55 operating tax levy increase.
2017 Board of Education adopted a resolution on Educational Equity and Social Justice in support of all students, families, staff and community members.
2018 The Green Schools National Network and Center for GreenSchools at the U.S. Green Building Council recognized MRH Middle School for “Best of Green Schools” class of 2018.
2020 Voters approved Proposition E, a no-levy- increase bond issue providing $30M for sweeping improvements in all buildings including safety features at entries, extra classrooms, a larger cafeteria, a 2nd gymnasium, and other upgrades to the building envelopes,
2022 The Missouri School Board Association bestowed its Futurebuilders Early Childhood Education Award to the MRH ECC.
2023 Board of Education adopted a resolution in support of LGBTQIA+ students, caregivers and educators, ensuring that MRH is a safe space in which to learn and thrive.
Mission Statement
MRH is an inclusive school district where students, staff, families, and community members are seen, heard, and valued for their unique backgrounds, culture, talents, and beliefs. We support, educate, encourage, and nurture one another to reach our full potential in order to create a better community.
Vision Statement
Inspiring and preparing students to be leaders, scholars, stewards, and citizens who will thrive in a diverse and changing world.
Core Values
Belonging: We intentionally develop relationships to create a culture of safety, trust, and openness so that every student, family, and staff member feels valued and connected.
Integrity: We are honest and accountable. We follow through on what we say and act with transparency to sustain trust with the community.
Inspiration: We create an inclusive environment and engaging learning experience that excites and empowers our community to discover, problem- solve, innovate, and grow to become well-rounded lifelong learners and leaders.
Success: We challenge our community to set ambitious goals to maximize personal and collective potential in order to learn, grow and thrive now and in the future.
Courage: We have a personal and collective responsibility to take bold and confident action in various forms in the face of adversity and uncertainty. We uncover, recognize, and dismantle systems of oppression in order to build an inclusive and supportive community.
Portrait of a Graduate
Critical Thinker
MRH graduates will exhibit the ability to analyze and use evidence-based reasoning to understand challenges, navigate ambiguity and make complex decisions.
MRH graduates will possess a combination of both technical and interpersonal skills to be able to effectively speak, write, and use other forms of expression to inform, influence, advocate, and motivate.
MRH graduates will work effectively in teams with individuals who have differing backgrounds, beliefs, skills, and strengths. They will assume shared responsibility for collaborative outcomes.
MRH graduates will actively listen and engage to better understand and appreciate the experiences, unique perspectives, and diverse cultures of the people around them. They will be inclusive and demonstrate care and concern for others.
Priorities/Goals: For Our Students
Champions: Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment & Director of Special Education
Funding Source: Operating Funds
Equip all students with the flexibility and adaptability needed to be successful in an ever- changing world.
Create relevant, thought-provoking, authentic learning experiences that engage all students.
Empower all students to design personalized pathways for their future.
Provide students with challenging problems that require perseverance and grit to solve, designed and evaluated by Professional Learning Communities, through a guaranteed and viable curriculum.
Ensure students have the knowledge, career ready skills, industry recognized credential, and/or market value assets that allow students to have post-graduate success.
Leverage the District metaphors to create opportunities and support for teachers to connect curricula by designing interdisciplinary experiences and/or project-based learning at all grade levels.
Create a personalized, competency-based system of learning and assessment for all students.
Develop key success milestones at meaningful transitions in a students educational experience that allow them to demonstrate knowledge, assets, skills, and abilities.
Develop a multi-tiered system of support that provides differentiated levels of support and resources based upon academic, behavioral, social emotional, and physical needs.
Outcome Measures
Increase the District’s performance on the Annual Performance Report (APR)
Increase growth of student groups on District-recognized assessments
Increase the student graduation rate as identified by key success milestones at each meaningful transition
100% of students have an Individual Career & Academic Plan (ICAP)
Increase number of students with Industry Recognized Credentials and Market Value Assets
Priorities/Goals: For Our Health
Champions: Director of Student Services and Family Engagement & Director of Special Education
Funding Source: Operating Funds
Enhance Social Emotional Learning for all students.
Enhance staff and organizational wellness.
Enhance the sense of belonging in our schools and throughout the community.
Provide varied professional development opportunities focused on deepening staff knowledge, skills, and dispositions to support students’ physical, social, and emotional needs.
Expand restorative practices and programs to all schools at all levels.
Partner with community organizations for health resources for staff which is inclusive of mental health, physical health, wellness, and mindfulness.
Create opportunities for stakeholders to have a voice in identifying needed or desired support and resources.
Provide employee training on culturally competent and responsive teaching strategies and equity for all identities.
Develop a Multi-Tiered System of Support framework, common language, and supports for teachers, staff, and students.
Provide engagement opportunities for families to learn about the intellectual and developmental needs of children.
Outcome Measures
Improve student, staff, and family/community Climate and Culture Survey results around the sense of belonging and sense of safety
Reduce referrals to Tier 2 and Tier 3 Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) services
Increase staff attendance rates
Decrease students identified on the Student Risk Screening Scale-Internalizing and Externalizing (SRSS-IE) exhibiting internalized and externalized behaviors
Priorities/Goals: For Our People
Champion: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Funding Source: Operating Funds
Enhance Recruitment and Retention Strategies.
Foster Professional Development and Growth.
Cultivate a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce.
Create a Positive and Inclusive Climate and Culture.
Develop targeted marketing campaigns to attract highly qualified candidates.
Streamline the application and hiring process to ensure efficiency and reduce time-to-hire.
Implement employee retention programs to foster a positive work environment
Implement comprehensive training programs to enhance employee skills and knowledge.
Provide ongoing coaching and mentoring support to foster professional growth.
Offer opportunities for advancement and career progression within the District.
Implement proactive diversity recruitment strategies to attract candidates from diverse backgrounds.
Provide diversity, equity and inclusion training to all employees to foster awareness and understanding.
Establish policies and practices that promote equal opportunities and fair treatment for all.
Foster a safe and supportive work environment through policies and training.
Enhance communication and collaboration among employees.
Promote wellness and work-life balance.
Recognize and celebrate achievements.
Outcome Measures
Increase every year the overall staff diversity
Increase the number of applications from staff of color in all categories: certified, support and administration
Increase the overall staff retention rate over a three year average
Increase staff satisfaction on professional development survey
Increase staff satisfaction on DESE’s climate and culture survey
Increase staff attendance percentage by building
Priorities/Goals: For Our Resources
Champions: Chief Financial Officer & Director of Operations
Funding Source: Operating Funds
Develop a robust data analysis system to facilitate informed decision-making regarding facilities and budget allocation.
Implement a consistent program of facility and technological infrastructure upgrades to enhance resources, foster an innovative learning environment, and equip students with the necessary skills for success in the modern educational landscape.
Prioritize transparency and community engagement with the establishment and implementation of the District budget to improve long-term fiscal stability.
Create and maintain safe, inclusive, and sustainable learning environments that promote physical and emotional well-being, while integrating principles of environmental stewardship and sustainable practices into the school’s operations to support the curriculum.
Establish and implement comprehensive long-range facility and capital improvement plans to ensure effective infrastructure management and future development.
Implement and uphold best practices for school safety and security measures to ensure the well-being of students, staff, and visitors.
Sustain a healthy fund balance by diligently monitoring expenditures, fostering accountability, and employing zero-based budgeting principles.
Enhance collaboration between schools and departments to develop valuable resources and share best practices for school-level planning and budgeting.
Design and implement financial structures that enhance long-term fiscal stability, align all District resources effectively, and increase transparency for stakeholders
Emphasize data-informed decision-making to guide District operations and inform instructional programs, ensuring that data plays a central role in shaping effective strategies and initiatives.
Outcome Measures
In alignment with our District strategic plan, develop multi-year plans (financial, technology, safety, security, Emergency Operations, etc.) to align with current and future needs.
Achieve a comprehensive and accurate assessment of fund balances through the audit-review process.
Priorities/Goals: For Our Community
Champions: Director of Student Services & Family Engagement and Director of Communications
Funding Source: Operating Funds
Strengthen family relationships and involvement in decision making.
Provide clear and consistent communication to stakeholders.
Expand, strengthen and maintain meaningful community engagement.
Develop a comprehensive communications plan that includes clear, consistent two-way messaging to all stakeholders, including parents, students, staff, and the wider community.
Utilize a variety of communications channels, such as social media, email, and newsletters, to communicate to families and keep them informed about important school District news, events, and updates.
Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of school District communications, family engagement, and corporate partnerships, and work to eliminate barriers that may prevent full participation and engagement from all stakeholders.
Build and sustain mutually beneficial partnerships that solve problems of practice within the MRH School District.
Establish a process to engage businesses and universities in preparing students for life after high school.
Develop and implement an engagement plan that includes strategies and activities to increase family involvement in the school community, the metaphors, and education process.
Provide opportunities for families to participate in school decision- making and governance.
Use data to evaluate the effectiveness of family engagement initiatives and adjust strategies as needed to meet the evolving needs of the school community.
Outcome Measures
Improved analytics from communications platforms (SchoolMessenger, website, social media, mailers, etc)
Increased parental engagement (including event attendance, volunteerism, etc.)
Improved response rates to surveys
Increased family use of PowerSchool
Increased agreements with local businesses to support MRH programs/events
Tracking Our Progress
Action Steps and Evaluation
Strategic plans are living, evolving documents. Action steps and the metrics we employ to assess our progress are among the components that often undergo modifications. View our progress at www.mrhschools.net and click the button labeled “Strategic Plan.”
Allocating Resources
The Maplewood Richmond Heights School District will optimize and align resources to ensure we meet stated goals and objectives. To ensure we have both the fiscal and human capital needed, we will use an organizational planning model that causes us to annually review our alignment of strategic goals and finances. We will build our annual budget based on an organizational structure focused on instruction, human resources, capital improvement, programs, and financial sustainability. We will use our growth data to determine if the way we are allocating resources is having the impact we expect.
Continuous Improvement Through Intentional Planning
Each year, the District develops various plans, such as Building Improvement Plans, Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Consolidated Plan, Professional Development Plan, Assessment Plan, Technology Plan, and more. These plans are all aligned with the District’s Strategic Plan and undergo annual reviews during board meetings.
MRH At-A-Glance: Facilities
3 Buildings
4 Schools
63 Years is the average age of facilities
3 Square mile District
417.42 Acres
$1.05 per square foot funding for maintenance
MRH At-A-Glance: Technology
50 Desktops
200 Laptops
2000 Chromebooks
10 Interactive Whiteboards
100 Interactive Projectors
50 Hotspots
62 Cell Phones
270 Phones
75 Tablets
MRH At-A-Glance: Budget (Includes Capital Outlay and Debt Service Expenditures)
Capital Outlay 2%
Supplies 7%
Debt Service 15%
Certified Salary 37%
Non-certified Salary 13%
Benefits 16%
Purchased Service 10%
How the money is used:
Certified Salary: $11,115,762
Non Certified Salary: $3,887,806
Benefits: $4,963,837
Purchased Service: $3,144,413
Supplies: $1,976,760
Capital Outlay: $455,079
Debt Service: $4,653,624
Total: $30,197,281
Where the money comes from:
Local: $26,003,037 (88%)
County: $344,944 (1%)
State: $2,398,548 (8%)
Federal: $931,505 (3%)
Other: $31,170 (1%)
Total Revenue: $29,709,204
MRH At-A-Glance: Employees
138 Certified
103 Classified
225 Full-Time
16 Part-Time
MRH At-A-Glance: Students
176 PreK
1,368 K-12
MRH At-A-Glance: Demographics
Asian 1.6%
Black 16.6%
Hispanic 6.2%
Multi-race 11.9%
White 63.6%
MRH At-A-Glance: Transportation
8 Buses (4 propane, 4 gas)
11 Routes
129 Stops
103 Total Miles
5 Full-Time Drivers
4 Part-Time Drivers
MRH At-A-Glance: School Nutrition
450 (30.92%) of students were eligible for free lunch in 2022-23.
Meeting 6 4/13/23
Focus Groups Held 3/1 - 3/6
Meeting 5 3/9/23
Meeting 4 2/9/23
Meeting 3 1/12/23
Meeting 2 11/10/22
Meeting 1 10/13/22
Steering Committee Named
Role Name
Cabinet Dr. Bonita Jamison
Cabinet Dr. Chris McGee
Cabinet Dr. Shonda Ambers-Phillips
Community Association Kim Shirar
Government Amy Hamilton
Key Business Leader Chris Rayburn
Parent Irene White
Parent Kerry Green Sr
Parent Jennifer Drake
Parent Latishia Robinson
Parent Kim Gifford
Parent Nora Revie
Politician NiKylan Knapper
Principal Carlisha Elam
Principal Kevin Grawer
PTO President Gretchen Schiltz-Brenner
PTO President Sarah Walker
PTO President Shevaun McNaughton
SSD Ben Gleason
Staff Dana Isom
Staff Tonya Jonas
Student Dizzy Funke
Student Terrence Askew
Student Brett Bowen
Student Abraham Blue
Teacher Kacy Day
Teacher Dan Lyons
Teacher Layne Thompson
Teacher Sherry May
Teacher Michael Guthrie
Teacher Scott Greife-Wetenhall
University Merlene Gilb
Steering Committee Invite
The Maplewood Richmond Heights Strategic Plan Steering Committee is a cross-section of stakeholders who will collaborate with the district leadership team to craft the Maplewood Richmond Heights strategic plan. It is critical to have stakeholders from multiple perspectives and roles. “Self-renewing organizations recognize that the problems facing them are too difficult for any one group to solve. They know they must draw in their stakeholders and collaborate with others who share their values. With collaboration comes new opportunities for learning” (Carter and Cunningham, p.188). Steering committee members will serve as valuable thought partners during the strategic planning process by providing ideas for the development of aspects of the strategic plan and feedback on drafts.
Ideally, steering committee members will share the work with and solicit feedback from their larger group of constituents, resulting in a more robust and inclusive process. In addition to the steering committee, there will be multiple sources of stakeholder engagement and feedback (surveys and focus groups). The steering committee will be responsible for analyzing feedback and providing suggestions for revisions based on trends in feedback data.
Steering Committee Roles and Responsibilities
The Steering Committee’s role is to provide support and guidance in the development of the strategic plan. Members provide expertise and input representative of their sector. Steering Committee members should:
Understand the elements and expected outcomes of the strategic plan;
Appreciate the plan’s significance for the district and community;
Be genuinely interested in the project and the outcomes that are intended; and
Serve as an ambassador for the strategic plan by doing what they can to promote it.
In practice, this means they:
Consider ideas and issues raised with an open mind;
Provide guidance to the superintendent and their team;
Help balance conflicting priorities and resources;
Foster positive communication outside task force meetings regarding the plan’s progress; and
Contribute to the process of developing the plan.
Steering Committee Dates/Times/Location
All sessions will be held on Zoom from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Session (Topic)
Steering Committee Meeting 1
(Sample Plan Review)
Thursday, October 13, 2022
Steering Committee Meeting 2
(Core Values/Vision/Mission)
Thursday, November 10, 2022
Steering Committee Meeting 3
(Non-Academic and Survey Data, Priorities, & Goals)
Thursday, January 12, 2022
Steering Committee Meeting 4
(Academic Data, Priorities, and Goals)
Thursday, February 9, 2022
Steering Committee Meeting 5
(Focus Group Feedback Review and Revisions)
Thursday, March 9, 2023
Steering Committee Meeting 6
(Final Review)
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Staff, Student and Community Survey

Maplewood Richmond Heights School District (MRH) is partnering with Insight education group to craft a new Strategic Plan. In preparation for this work, we are asking you to share your thoughts on areas the district should prioritize over the next five years. Your responses will inform the development of the district’s next strategic plan.The survey will ask for your feedback on possible priority areas for the district as well as what the district should start, stop, or continue prioritizing moving forward. Students; parents, caregivers, and guardians; community members; and district employees are encouraged to participate. All responses will be kept anonymous and confidential.Please note that your survey responses will not be recorded until the submit button clicks. Each stakeholder only needs to complete one survey.Thank you for your participation!
MRH Selects Insight Education Group
On May 19th 2022 the MRH Board of Directors voted to select Insight Education Group to help the district craft a new strategic plan (also known as a CSIP - Comprehensive School Improvement Plan)