• Lauren Weissler is the MTSS Coordinator at MRH.

    "The Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is an educational framework aimed at addressing the diverse needs of all students. It involves a tiered approach, offering varying levels of support and interventions based on individual student requirements.

    Here's what MTSS looks like in MRH schools:

    • Tier 1 - Universal Support: All students receive high-quality, evidence-based instruction in the general classroom setting. Teachers use effective teaching strategies and differentiated instruction to meet the diverse needs of students.

    • Tier 2 - Targeted Interventions: Some students may need additional support beyond what is provided in the general classroom. This tier involves targeted interventions, such as small group instruction or specialized programs, to help students catch up or accelerate their learning.

    • Tier 3 - Intensive Interventions: A smaller group of students with significant academic or behavioral challenges receives intensive, individualized support. This can involve specialized assessments, personalized learning plans, and collaboration with specialists like counselors or therapists.

    Reach Ms. Weissler at lauren.weissler@mrhschools.net or call 314-446-1733.